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Dear Dave, dear all,


about a week ago I made colorized versions of the winOCCULT graphics for demonstration purposes.


For those of you, who are not familiar with the outputs of Dave Herald's program:

* The first illustration shows the situation as seen from the star. The times given in the small inset table are valid for Mainz, for other places please refer to Dave Herald's list below.

* The second graphic gives an overview of the star's passage through Saturn's inner satellite system as seen from the earth. The satellite positions refer to 2006 Jan. 25.85 = 20:24 UT.



Alfons Gabel


This is a known event, but there hasn't been much publicity about it. The following are predictions

from winOccult for a range of locations in Europe (truncated because of email size limitation on

PlanOccult). It needs a fixed-space font (such as Courier New) to get the columns aligned. The

predictions you have generated are clearly geocentric, where as the predictions below are

topocentric. Note that the ring numbers are the edges of the various rings, with ring 4 and ring 3

defining the Cassini gap. Also ring events that occur when the star is behind Saturn have not been

excluded, and for many locations 'reappearance' events of the star through the ring structure occur

before the occultation by the planet.


The occultation by Saturn will be visible from Europe, Africa and Asia - although South Africa will

get a miss. there are no occultations by the rings after the planetary occultation, but an extensive

passage through the rings before the occultation. That passage will occur at low altitude in Europe,

but will also be visible in Japan and Australia.


I've uploaded into the Files section of the IotaOccultations, and RASNZoccultations, a file of

predictions for the world, and for the Australasian region.


One of the challenges for this event will be in detecting the star. At Mv=7.9, Mp=8.1, the star is

only marginally brighter than Titan (mag 8.4 on that date). Note that the surface brightness of

Titan is about the same as the planet and rings A and B, so I very much doubt that it will be a

spectacular event - and this is why it hasn't been picked up more widely.) Note that passage through

Ring C might be more readily visible, but the star does not pass through Ring C for any location on

the Earth. The greater challenge will be to get a decent recording of the event - and appropriate

filtering might be highly desirable (although I have no idea of what might be appropriate!)



Occultation of HIP 42705 by Saturn on 2006 Jan 25

Location Long. Latit. Ring 5 Ring 4 Ring 3 Ring 2 Ring 1

D R Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3 Ring 4 Ring 5

o ' o ' h m h m h m h m h m h

m h m h m h m h m h m h m

Aalborg Denmark + 9 52.7 +57 2.1 18 44.9 18 57.0 19 1.6 .. .... .. .... 20

6.8 20 50.6 .. .... .. .... 20 9.1 20 13.7 20 25.8

Abastumani Georg + 42 49.4 +41 45.3 18 44.5 18 57.1 19 2.1 .. .... .. .... 20

8.1 20 46.7 .. .... .. .... 20 3.6 20 8.5 20 21.2

Aberdeen Scotlan - 2 4.0 +57 10.0 18 45.0 18 57.0 19 1.6 .. .... .. .... 20

6.9 20 51.2 .. .... .. .... 20 9.7 20 14.3 20 26.3

Agadir Morocco - 9 40.0 +30 30.0 18 46.4 18 59.5 19 4.7 .. .... .. .... 20

12.2 20 48.0 .. .... .. .... 20 3.3 20 8.5 20 21.4

Algiers Algeria + 3 2.1 +36 48.1 18 46.1 18 58.9 19 4.0 .. .... .. .... 20

10.8 20 48.3 .. .... .. .... 20 4.1 20 9.2 20 22.0


Amman Jordan + 35 56.0 +31 57.0 18 45.2 18 58.3 19 3.6 .. .... .. .... 20

10.5 20 45.1 .. .... .. .... 20 0.5 20 5.8 20 18.9

Amsterdam Nether + 4 54.3 +52 20.6 18 45.2 18 57.4 19 2.1 .. .... .. .... 20

7.7 20 50.4 .. .... .. .... 20 8.2 20 12.9 20 25.2

Ankara Turkey + 32 46.8 +39 50.6 18 45.0 18 57.8 19 2.8 .. .... .. .... 20

9.1 20 46.9 .. .... .. .... 20 3.3 20 8.3 20 21.1

Ashkhabad Turkme + 58 21.1 +37 57.4 18 43.6 18 56.4 19 1.4 .. .... .. .... 20

7.5 20 45.3 .. .... .. .... 20 2.1 20 7.1 20 19.9

Aswan Egypt + 32 53.0 +24 5.0 18 45.6 18 59.2 19 4.8 .. .... .. .... 20

12.6 20 43.4 .. .... .. .... 19 57.7 20 3.3 20 17.0


Athens Greece + 23 43.2 +37 58.4 18 45.5 18 58.3 19 3.4 .. .... .. .... 20

10.0 20 47.1 .. .... .. .... 20 3.1 20 8.2 20 21.1

Bagdad Iraq + 44 26.0 +33 20.0 18 44.6 18 57.7 19 2.9 .. .... .. .... 20

9.6 20 44.9 .. .... .. .... 20 0.7 20 5.9 20 19.0

Baku Azerbajan + 49 51.0 +40 23.0 18 44.1 18 56.8 19 1.8 .. .... .. .... 20

7.8 20 46.1 .. .... .. .... 20 3.0 20 8.0 20 20.7

Barcelona Spain + 2 9.6 +41 23.2 18 45.9 18 58.5 19 3.4 .. .... .. .... 20

9.9 20 49.1 .. .... .. .... 20 5.6 20 10.5 20 23.1

Beirut Lebanon + 35 30.0 +33 52.0 18 45.1 18 58.2 19 3.4 .. .... .. .... 20

10.2 20 45.5 .. .... .. .... 20 1.2 20 6.4 20 19.5


Belfast Nor Irel - 5 55.0 +54 35.0 18 45.2 18 57.3 19 1.9 .. .... .. .... 20

7.4 20 51.1 .. .... .. .... 20 9.4 20 14.0 20 26.1

Beograd Yugoslav + 20 30.8 +44 48.2 18 45.3 18 57.8 19 2.7 .. .... .. .... 20

8.8 20 48.5 .. .... .. .... 20 5.4 20 10.3 20 22.8

Bergen Norway + 5 20.0 +60 23.0 18 44.7 18 56.7 19 1.2 .. .... .. .... 20

6.3 20 51.1 .. .... .. .... 20 10.0 20 14.5 20 26.5

Berlin Germany + 13 6.4 +52 24.4 18 45.1 18 57.3 19 2.0 .. .... .. .... 20

7.6 20 50.0 .. .... .. .... 20 7.8 20 12.5 20 24.8

Besancon France + 5 59.3 +47 15.0 18 45.5 18 57.9 19 2.7 .. .... .. .... 20

8.7 20 49.7 .. .... .. .... 20 6.9 20 11.7 20 24.1


Birmingham Engla - 1 50.0 +52 30.0 18 45.3 18 57.5 19 2.2 .. .... .. .... 20

7.8 20 50.7 .. .... .. .... 20 8.7 20 13.3 20 25.5

Bologna Italy + 11 20.5 +44 28.1 18 45.5 18 58.1 19 3.0 .. .... .. .... 20

9.1 20 49.0 .. .... .. .... 20 5.8 20 10.7 20 23.2

Bordeaux France - 0 34.0 +44 50.0 18 45.7 18 58.2 19 3.0 .. .... .. .... 20

9.2 20 49.7 .. .... .. .... 20 6.7 20 11.5 20 24.0

Bristol England - 2 40.4 +51 29.4 18 45.3 18 57.6 19 2.3 .. .... .. .... 20

7.9 20 50.7 .. .... .. .... 20 8.5 20 13.2 20 25.4

Brno Czech Repub + 16 35.3 +49 12.3 18 45.2 18 57.5 19 2.3 .. .... .. .... 20

8.1 20 49.4 .. .... .. .... 20 6.8 20 11.6 20 24.0


Brussels Belgium + 4 20.6 +50 47.7 18 45.3 18 57.6 19 2.3 .. .... .. .... 20

8.0 20 50.2 .. .... .. .... 20 7.9 20 12.6 20 24.9

Bucharest Romani + 26 5.8 +44 24.8 18 45.1 18 57.7 19 2.6 .. .... .. .... 20

8.6 20 48.1 .. .... .. .... 20 5.0 20 9.9 20 22.5

Budapest Hungary + 19 3.9 +47 29.1 18 45.2 18 57.6 19 2.5 .. .... .. .... 20

8.3 20 49.0 .. .... .. .... 20 6.2 20 11.1 20 23.5

Cairo Egypt + 31 15.0 +30 3.0 18 45.5 18 58.7 19 4.1 .. .... .. .... 20

11.3 20 44.9 .. .... .. .... 20 0.0 20 5.4 20 18.6

Casablanca Moroc - 7 35.0 +33 39.0 18 46.3 18 59.2 19 4.3 .. .... .. .... 20

11.5 20 48.5 .. .... .. .... 20 4.1 20 9.2 20 22.0


Catania Italy + 15 5.2 +37 30.2 18 45.8 18 58.6 19 3.7 .. .... .. .... 20

10.4 20 47.6 .. .... .. .... 20 3.5 20 8.6 20 21.4

Cluj Romania + 23 35.9 +46 42.8 18 45.1 18 57.6 19 2.4 .. .... .. .... 20

8.3 20 48.6 .. .... .. .... 20 5.8 20 10.6 20 23.1

Copenhagen Denma + 12 34.6 +55 41.2 18 44.9 18 57.0 19 1.7 .. .... .. .... 20

7.0 20 50.4 .. .... .. .... 20 8.6 20 13.3 20 25.4

Damascus Syria + 36 15.0 +33 30.0 18 45.1 18 58.2 19 3.4 .. .... .. .... 20

10.2 20 45.4 .. .... .. .... 20 1.0 20 6.3 20 19.3

Dnepropetrovsk R + 35 2.7 +48 26.1 18 44.6 18 57.0 19 1.8 .. .... .. .... 20

7.4 20 48.3 .. .... .. .... 20 5.8 20 10.6 20 23.0


Dresden Germany + 13 52.3 +51 3.0 18 45.1 18 57.4 19 2.2 .. .... .. .... 20

7.8 20 49.7 .. .... .. .... 20 7.5 20 12.2 20 24.5

Dublin Ireland - 6 15.0 +53 20.0 18 45.3 18 57.4 19 2.1 .. .... .. .... 20

7.6 20 51.0 .. .... .. .... 20 9.1 20 13.8 20 25.9

Duesseldorf Germ + 6 45.7 +51 12.4 18 45.3 18 57.5 19 2.2 .. .... .. .... 20

7.9 20 50.1 .. .... .. .... 20 7.9 20 12.6 20 24.8

Frankfurt German + 8 39.0 +50 8.5 18 45.3 18 57.6 19 2.3 .. .... .. .... 20

8.1 20 49.9 .. .... .. .... 20 7.5 20 12.2 20 24.5

Gdansk Poland + 18 39.0 +54 21.3 18 44.8 18 57.0 19 1.7 .. .... .. .... 20

7.1 20 49.9 .. .... .. .... 20 8.0 20 12.7 20 24.9


Geneva Switzerla + 6 8.2 +46 18.4 18 45.5 18 58.0 19 2.8 .. .... .. .... 20

8.9 20 49.5 .. .... .. .... 20 6.7 20 11.5 20 23.9

Glasgow Scotland - 4 18.3 +55 54.1 18 45.1 18 57.2 19 1.8 .. .... .. .... 20

7.1 20 51.2 .. .... .. .... 20 9.6 20 14.1 20 26.2

Goteborg SWEDEN + 11 53.6 +57 46.7 18 44.8 18 56.9 19 1.5 .. .... .. .... 20

6.6 20 50.6 .. .... .. .... 20 9.2 20 13.7 20 25.8

Granada Spain - 3 24.0 +37 4.1 18 46.1 18 58.9 19 3.9 .. .... .. .... 20

10.8 20 48.8 .. .... .. .... 20 4.7 20 9.8 20 22.5

Graz Austria + 15 26.9 +47 4.6 18 45.3 18 57.8 19 2.6 .. .... .. .... 20

8.5 20 49.1 .. .... .. .... 20 6.3 20 11.1 20 23.6


Hamburg Germany + 9 58.4 +53 33.1 18 45.1 18 57.3 19 2.0 .. .... .. .... 20

7.4 20 50.3 .. .... .. .... 20 8.3 20 12.9 20 25.1

Hannover Germany + 9 42.8 +52 23.3 18 45.1 18 57.4 19 2.1 .. .... .. .... 20

7.6 20 50.1 .. .... .. .... 20 8.0 20 12.7 20 24.9

Helsinki Finland + 24 57.3 +60 9.7 18 44.4 18 56.4 19 0.9 .. .... .. .... 20

5.9 20 50.3 .. .... .. .... 20 9.2 20 13.7 20 25.7

Iraklion Greece + 25 8.0 +35 20.0 18 45.5 18 58.5 19 3.7 .. .... .. .... 20

10.5 20 46.5 .. .... .. .... 20 2.2 20 7.3 20 20.3

Istanbul Turkey + 28 57.9 +41 0.7 18 45.1 18 57.9 19 2.8 .. .... .. .... 20

9.1 20 47.3 .. .... .. .... 20 3.8 20 8.8 20 21.5


Izmir Turkey + 27 10.0 +38 25.0 18 45.3 18 58.2 19 3.2 .. .... .. .... 20

9.7 20 47.0 .. .... .. .... 20 3.1 20 8.2 20 21.0

Jaervsoe Sweden + 16 11.3 +61 41.9 18 44.5 18 56.4 19 1.0 .. .... .. .... 20

5.9 20 50.8 .. .... .. .... 20 9.8 20 14.3 20 26.3

Kajaani Finland + 27 37.0 +64 14.0 18 44.1 18 56.0 19 0.5 .. .... .. .... 20

5.2 20 50.6 .. .... .. .... 20 10.0 20 14.5 20 26.4

Kazan Russia + 48 48.9 +55 50.3 18 43.7 18 55.8 19 0.5 .. .... .. .... 20

5.5 20 48.8 .. .... .. .... 20 7.5 20 12.2 20 24.3

Kharkov Ukraine + 36 13.9 +50 0.2 18 44.5 18 56.8 19 1.6 .. .... .. .... 20

7.1 20 48.5 .. .... .. .... 20 6.2 20 11.0 20 23.4


Kiev Ukraine + 30 29.9 +50 27.2 18 44.7 18 57.0 19 1.8 .. .... .. .... 20

7.3 20 48.8 .. .... .. .... 20 6.6 20 11.3 20 23.6

Kirov Russia + 49 42.0 +58 33.0 18 43.6 18 55.6 19 0.2 .. .... .. .... 20

5.1 20 49.2 .. .... .. .... 20 8.2 20 12.8 20 24.8

Kishinev Moldavi + 28 52.0 +46 57.4 18 44.9 18 57.4 19 2.2 .. .... .. .... 20

8.0 20 48.4 .. .... .. .... 20 5.6 20 10.5 20 22.9

Krakow Poland + 19 49.6 +50 3.3 18 45.0 18 57.4 19 2.1 .. .... .. .... 20

7.8 20 49.3 .. .... .. .... 20 6.9 20 11.7 20 24.0

Kuhmo Finland + 29 30.0 +64 4.0 18 44.0 18 55.9 19 0.4 .. .... .. .... 20

5.2 20 50.6 .. .... .. .... 20 9.9 20 14.4 20 26.3


Kuopio Finland + 27 39.1 +62 53.2 18 44.2 18 56.1 19 0.6 .. .... .. .... 20

5.4 20 50.5 .. .... .. .... 20 9.7 20 14.2 20 26.1

Kuwait Kuwait + 48 0.0 +29 20.0 18 44.5 18 57.8 19 3.1 .. .... .. .... 20

10.1 20 43.8 .. .... .. .... 19 59.2 20 4.5 20 17.8

Lecce Italy + 18 10.5 +40 21.1 18 45.6 18 58.3 19 3.3 .. .... .. .... 20

9.7 20 47.9 .. .... .. .... 20 4.2 20 9.2 20 21.9

Leipzig Germany + 12 23.5 +51 20.1 18 45.1 18 57.4 19 2.2 .. .... .. .... 20

7.8 20 49.9 .. .... .. .... 20 7.6 20 12.3 20 24.6

Lisbon Portugal - 9 11.2 +38 42.7 18 46.1 18 58.7 19 3.7 .. .... .. .... 20

10.4 20 49.4 .. .... .. .... 20 5.7 20 10.6 20 23.3


Liverpool Englan - 3 4.3 +53 24.1 18 45.2 18 57.4 19 2.1 .. .... .. .... 20

7.6 20 50.9 .. .... .. .... 20 8.9 20 13.6 20 25.7

Ljubljana Sloven + 14 28.2 +46 2.8 18 45.4 18 57.9 19 2.7 .. .... .. .... 20

8.7 20 49.0 .. .... .. .... 20 6.1 20 10.9 20 23.4

London England - 0 10.0 +51 30.0 18 45.3 18 57.6 19 2.3 .. .... .. .... 20

7.9 20 50.5 .. .... .. .... 20 8.3 20 13.0 20 25.3

Luxembourg + 6 8.0 +49 37.0 18 45.4 18 57.7 19 2.4 .. .... .. .... 20

8.2 20 50.0 .. .... .. .... 20 7.5 20 12.3 20 24.6

Lvov Ukraine + 24 1.8 +49 50.0 18 44.9 18 57.3 19 2.0 .. .... .. .... 20

7.7 20 49.0 .. .... .. .... 20 6.7 20 11.4 20 23.8


Lyons France + 4 47.1 +45 41.7 18 45.6 18 58.1 19 2.9 .. .... .. .... 20

9.0 20 49.5 .. .... .. .... 20 6.6 20 11.4 20 23.8

Madrid Spain - 3 41.1 +40 24.6 18 46.0 18 58.6 19 3.5 .. .... .. .... 20

10.1 20 49.3 .. .... .. .... 20 5.7 20 10.7 20 23.3

Manama Bahrain + 50 38.0 +26 12.0 18 44.4 18 57.8 19 3.3 .. .... .. .... 20

10.5 20 43.0 .. .... .. .... 19 57.9 20 3.4 20 16.9

Marseille France + 5 23.6 +43 18.3 18 45.7 18 58.3 19 3.2 .. .... .. .... 20

9.5 20 49.2 .. .... .. .... 20 5.9 20 10.8 20 23.3

Mecca Saudi Arab + 39 49.0 +21 26.0 18 45.3 18 59.0 19 4.7 .. .... .. .... 20

12.6 20 42.3 .. .... .. .... 19 56.4 20 2.1 20 15.9


Medvezhegorsk Ru + 34 27.0 +62 54.0 18 44.0 18 55.9 19 0.4 .. .... .. .... 20

5.2 20 50.3 .. .... .. .... 20 9.5 20 14.0 20 26.0

Milano Italy + 9 11.5 +45 28.0 18 45.5 18 58.0 19 2.9 .. .... .. .... 20

9.0 20 49.2 .. .... .. .... 20 6.2 20 11.1 20 23.5

Minsk Belorus + 27 34.0 +53 54.0 18 44.6 18 56.8 19 1.5 .. .... .. .... 20

6.9 20 49.4 .. .... .. .... 20 7.6 20 12.3 20 24.5

Moscow Russia + 37 32.7 +55 42.0 18 44.2 18 56.3 19 1.0 .. .... .. .... 20

6.1 20 49.2 .. .... .. .... 20 7.7 20 12.4 20 24.5

Mosjoen Norway + 13 12.0 +65 50.0 18 44.3 18 56.1 19 0.6 .. .... .. .... 20

5.3 20 51.3 .. .... .. .... 20 10.7 20 15.2 20 27.0


Munich Germany + 11 36.5 +48 8.7 18 45.3 18 57.7 19 2.5 .. .... .. .... 20

8.4 20 49.5 .. .... .. .... 20 6.8 20 11.6 20 24.0

Naples Italy + 14 15.3 +40 51.8 18 45.6 18 58.3 19 3.3 .. .... .. .... 20

9.8 20 48.2 .. .... .. .... 20 4.6 20 9.6 20 22.3

Newcastle uT Eng - 1 35.0 +54 59.0 18 45.1 18 57.3 19 1.9 .. .... .. .... 20

7.3 20 51.0 .. .... .. .... 20 9.2 20 13.8 20 25.9

Nizhny Novgorod + 44 0.3 +56 19.6 18 43.9 18 56.0 19 0.7 .. .... .. .... 20

5.7 20 49.1 .. .... .. .... 20 7.7 20 12.4 20 24.5

Odessa Ukraine + 30 45.5 +46 28.6 18 44.8 18 57.3 19 2.2 .. .... .. .... 20

8.0 20 48.2 .. .... .. .... 20 5.4 20 10.3 20 22.7



Dave Herald

Canberra, Australia




Αντώνης Αγιομαμίτης



Dear Observers,


I hope that the information below is not out of place on the Planoccult list. However if it is, then please accept my apologies:


Occultation of BY Cancri* (SAO 98054) by Saturn and its Ring System

January 25 2006

18h 05 UT - 20h 50m UT




This event is due to take place during the evening of Wednesday, January 25th, a few days before Saturn's 2006 Opposition, and should be quite spectacular telescopically, particularly as SAO 98054, at m(v) 7.9 is a little brighter than Titan. The occultation presents an interesting challenge for both amateurs who use CCD's for imaging and also for those who sketch what they see. It is of course reasonably rare for a star of this magnitude to be occulted by the Saturnian System.


The occultation had been noted last summer by Dr Tolis Christou of the Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland, but very little information has been distributed as yet as far as I have been able to ascertain.


My own predicted data relating to the event for central UK (using Guide 8 software) is as follows:


Occultation by Ring A : 18h 50m (all times = UT)

Reappearance in Cassini's Division: 19h 01m

Disappearance behind Ring B: 19h 06m

Possible brief reappearance in Cassini's Division prior to occultation by Saturn's disk: 20h 03m.

Reappearance from behind the disk in the vicinity of Saturn's South Pole (PA = 166°) 20h 50m



*Note about BY Cancri ( SAO 98054)


This star lies at the edge of the 'Beehive Open Cluster' M44, and is a Delta Scuti type variable star, with a small amplitude of only 0.01. It is a white star of spectral type A5, and so should show up nicely against the dusky tint of Saturn's South Polar region after the star's reappearance at 20h 03m.



With very best wishes for Christmas and the New Year,


Jon Harper



Αντώνης Αγιομαμίτης


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