The Veil Nebula Complex
The Veil Nebula is a supernova remnant located 2,100 lightyears away in the Cygnus constellation that spans 110 lightyears across. A supernova remnant is the remains of a star that has ended its life in an explosion known as a supernova. In the case of the Veil Nebula, the star in question was 20 times the mass of the Sun and exploded about 8,000 years ago. A blast wave from the stellar explosion is hitting cooler, more dense interstellar gas and emitting light in the process. The Veil Nebula is part of the larger Cygnus Loop structure, and the delicate filaments and almost fragile-looking structure are what give the Veil Nebula its nickname. Because the Veil Nebula is so expansive, astrophotographers love to capture separate sections of the nebula, which have been allocated different names.
Imaging Telescope: Vixen ED81s f/7.7
Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Synscan Pro (belt mod)
Camera: QHY 533M
Filter Wheel: QHY CFW3S-SR
Guiding camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini (mono)
Guidescope: SkyWatcher EvoGuide 50ED
Constellation: Cygnus
Date: 15-16 Aug 2024
Location: Albireo Observatory 2, Ileia, Greece
Sky brightness: B2
Exposure Time:
25-pannel mosaic
Ha: 25x600 sec (gain: 56.00, offset: 12.00) 0°C bin 1×1
Acquisition: N.I.N.A v3
Processing: Pixinsight, Photoshop
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